Laura Osipenko

Date of birth:
2005 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Diāna Lāce 01.01.2017.
Viktors Lācis 01.09.2022.


Organisation Role From To
Liepājas sporta spēļu skola Athlete 01.01.2017. 31.08.2023.
Murjāņu sporta ģimnāzija Athlete 01.09.2022. 31.08.2024.
Liepāja Athlete 01.09.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 954 126 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships
60m 7.72 982 Candidate for master 22.02.2025. Latvian Indoor Championships
100m 12.17 (+0.0) 958 Candidate for master 24.07.2024. Carnikavas Nēģa kausa izcīņa
200m 25.00 (-1.4) 942 Candidate for master 16.06.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
300m 41.23 940 First-class 23.02.2020. Latvian U16 indoor championships
400m 1:00.12 833 Second-class 20.07.2020. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 Combined events championships
600m 1:44.72 779 Second-class 06.12.2019. Starptautiskās jaunatnes sacensības Maniežo taure 2019 Klaipēda
4x100m 46.93 1015 Candidate for master 22.07.2024. Baltic U20 Team Championships
4x200m 1:42.26 994 First-class 04.03.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Indoor Team Championships
60m Hurdles 8.47 1056 Master 23.02.2025. Latvian Indoor Championships
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 8.64 Candidate for master 04.03.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Indoor Team Championships
100m Hurdles 13.78 (+1.6) 1047 Master 22.07.2024. Baltic U20 Team Championships
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 14.02 (+0.5) Candidate for master 16.07.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Team Championships
300m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 45.32 First-class 20.07.2020. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 Combined events championships
Long Jump 5.40 869 Second-class 22.02.2020. Latvian U16 indoor championships
4x160m 1:35.60 23.02.2019. Latvian U16 championships
Mixed 4x100m Relay 53.62 11.06.2018. Baltijas valstu bērnu festivāls vieglatlētikā (atlase uz Poliju)
Mixed 4x200m Relay 1:34.88 10.02.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
100+200+300+400m 2:23.78 20.07.2020. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 Combined events championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
954 126 11.06.2022. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships