Maribora, Slovēnija
28. - 29. Jūnijs
Bergena, Norvēģija
17. - 20. Jūlijs
Skopje, Ziemeļmaķedonija
20. - 26. Jūlijs
Tampere, Somija
07. - 10. Augusts
Tokija, Japāna
13. - 21. Septembris
Komentāri (3)
proposal presented by the Local Organising Committees of ISF events when it comes to the Coronavirus
The proposal presented by the Local Organising Committee of the ISF World School Athletics
Championship (23-29 June 2022, in Trabzon, Turkey) is to cancel the event on these dates and
to postpone it for June 2023.
proposal presented by the Local Organising Committees of ISF events when it comes to the Coronavirus
The proposal presented by the Local Organising Committee of the ISF World School Athletics
Championship (23-29 June 2022, in Trabzon, Turkey) is to cancel the event on these dates and
to postpone it for June 2023.
situāciju. ISF Pasaules skolu vieglatlētikas vietējās organizācijas komitejas iesniegtais priekšlikums bija par to ka Pasaules skolēnu čempionāts (2022. gada 23.–29. jūnijā, Trabzonā, Turcijā) tiks atcelts šajos datumos un atlikt to uz 2023. gada jūniju.