Amanda Radava

Date of birth:
2002 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate
Candidate for master


Coach From To
Daiga Stumbre 01.01.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Liepājas sporta spēļu skola Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.49 755 28.01.2017. Riga championships for youth
100m 13.92 (+0.0) 647 Third-class 07.05.2016. Saldus SS atklātās sacensības skriešanas disciplīnās
200m 26.67 (+0.0) 794 First-class 18.03.2022. Louisiana Classic
300m 43.59 826 Second-class 08.02.2019. Latvian U18 and U20 indoor championships
400m 58.20 898 First-class 04.06.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup V
600m 1:34.98 966 Candidate for master 24.01.2025. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational 2025
800m 2:10.54 981 Candidate for master 17.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
1000m 3:10.60 779 Second-class 06.12.2019. Starptautiskās jaunatnes sacensības Maniežo taure 2019 Klaipēda
1500m 4:31.44 966 Candidate for master 27.05.2023. IFAM Oordegem
One Mile 4:50.81 1002 Candidate for master 01.03.2025. 2025 Conference USA Indoor Track & Field Championships
3000m 9:44.32 981 Candidate for master 01.03.2025. 2025 Conference USA Indoor Track & Field Championships
5000m 19:03.14 739 Second-class 30.07.2023. Latvian Championships 2023
4x100m 52.39 810 Second-class 21.06.2018. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
4x200m 1:48.61 882 Second-class 08.03.2018. "Kuldīgas kauss" U16 un U18 grupām
4x400m 3:50.00 976 First-class 29.07.2022. President's Cup/ Baltic Team Championships
60m Hurdles (0 cm) 9.15 02.03.2018. Sportland CUP
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.00 Candidate for master 02.02.2018. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 15.04 (+0.7) First-class 08.07.2017. Latvian Youth Olympic games
300m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 48.27 Second-class 21.06.2017. Latvian Championships U16
400m Hurdles 1:01.63 974 Candidate for master 25.06.2022. Latvian Championships 2022
Long Jump 4.73 726 Third-class 22.01.2016. Rīgas čempionāts jaunatnei RSM
1.80 km 0:10:28 * 13.10.2012. Tradicionālās krosa sacensības „Gintarinė jūrmylė 2012“,
1.90 km 0:09:12 * 10.10.2015. 15 Gintarine Jūrmyle,Smiltyne
400+300+200+100m 2:21.02 08.07.2017. Latvian Youth Olympic games
80m hurdles (76.2 cm) 13.47 (+?) * 07.06.2015. Latvijas čempionāts U-14 grupai,Iecava
Mixed 4x400m Relay 3:39.13 25.06.2022. Latvian Championships 2022
100+200+300+400m 2:22.65 05.07.2019. Latvian Youth Olimpiade

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.49 755 28.01.2017. Indoor Riga championships for youth 1
8.52 747 17.11.2017. Indoor Baltijas rudens 2017 1
8.55 739 25.11.2017. Indoor Kuldīgas novada čempionāts 1
8.62 720 09.12.2016. Indoor TARPTAUTINĖS VARŽYBOS "MANIEŽO TAURĖ-2016" 1
8.65 712 13.02.2016. Indoor Latvijas čempionāts U-16, RSM 1
8.40 * 🥇 20.05.2014. Outdoor Liepājas SSS atklātās sacensības E, D, C vecuma grupām 1
8.5 * 688 09.01.2016. Indoor LVS kauss 1.posms Kuldīga 0
8.8 * 612 27.02.2015. Indoor Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sac.vieglatlētikā,Ventspils OC manēža C,B grupām 0