Loreta Holcmane

Date of birth:
2009 (U18)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Skaidrīte Velberga 01.09.2021. 08.01.2024.
Anna Pūce 01.01.2024. 31.08.2024.
Aļona Fomenko 01.09.2024.


Organisation Role From To
Dobeles Sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2021. 08.01.2024.
Ozolnieku Sporta skola Athlete 09.01.2024. 31.08.2024.
Jelgavas Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2024.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.14 588 Second-class junior 14.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U16
200m 31.36 511 Third-class 26.01.2025. LVS x Sportland Cup I
300m 50.18 547 First-class junior 01.02.2025. LVS x Sportland Cup II
4x200m 1:59.45 707 Third-class 14.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U16

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.14 588 14.12.2024. Indoor LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U16 1
9.20 573 26.01.2025. Indoor LVS x Sportland Cup I 0.185 1
9.37 533 01.02.2025. Indoor LVS x Sportland Cup II 1
9.60 482 07.12.2024. Indoor Tarptautinės varžybos „Maniežo taurė -2024” 1
9.86 426 12.01.2024. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U16 grupai un Olijara balvu izcīņa 1
10.38 326 15.12.2021. Indoor Sporta skolas “Arkādija” atklātās pārbaudes sacensības vieglatlētikā telpās 1