Anna Pūce

Date of birth:
1999 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate
Candidate for master


Coach From To
Viktors Lācis 20.01.2020.
Aļona Fomenko 01.09.2012. 19.01.2020.


Organisation Role From To
Jelgavas Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2012.
ASD Gioiatletica asc San Marcellino Athlete 01.01.2018.
Ozolnieku Sporta skola Coach 01.09.2020.

Athletes coached

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.16 849 14.01.2017. LVS Cup
100m 13.04 (-0.7) 796 Second-class 02.08.2017. LVS Cup Final
200m 25.99 907 Candidate for master 17.02.2018. Latvian indoor championships
300m 41.56 879 Second-class 02.08.2017. LVS Cup Final
400m 56.78 948 Candidate for master 21.06.2018. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
400m (83.8 cm) 1:06.99 619 01.07.2016. Latvijas Olimpiāde
600m 1:42.05 828 Second-class 09.12.2016. TARPTAUTINĖS VARŽYBOS "MANIEŽO TAURĖ-2016"
4x400m 3:43.84 1024 Candidate for master 10.06.2017. President`s Cup
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 10.14 22.01.2016. Rīgas čempionāts jaunatnei RSM
100m Hurdles 16.51 (-1.0) 724 Second-class 18.07.2017. LVS CUP
400m Hurdles 1:01.89 967 Candidate for master 16.06.2018. 11:40 President`s Cup
Long Jump 4.70 720 Third-class 28.02.2013. Sporta skolas "Arkādija" atklātās sacensības A un B vecuma grupām 
Javelin Throw (500 g) 33.93 Second-class 19.06.2016. J. Lūša kauss 2016
5km 24:09 29.07.2023. Jelgavas Nakts pusmaratons
6km 0:29:40 * 26.06.2022. Skriešanas seriāls Ielūdz Ozolnieki.3 posms, starts 11.00
400+300+200+100m 2:34.96 01.07.2017. Latvian championships U18 and U20

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.16 849 14.01.2017. Indoor LVS Cup 1
8.16 849 14.01.2017. Indoor LVS Cup 1
8.48 758 08.02.2014. Indoor Latvijas čempionāts B grupai 1
8.71 696 11.01.2013. Indoor Rīgas čempionāts jaunatnei, RSM 1