Ralfs Zazerskis

Date of birth:
2004 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Diāna Lāce 01.09.2022.
Viktors Lācis 01.01.2021.
Ilze Stukule 09.01.2022.


Organisation Role From To
Kuldīgas novada sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017.
Murjāņu sporta ģimnāzija Athlete 01.09.2020. 31.08.2023.
Lāča sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2023.
Running Club Napoli Athlete 28.03.2024.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Decathlon 5586 758 Second-class 22.05.2021. Baltic Combined Events Team championships
Heptathlon indoor 3980 723 First-class 25.01.2020. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
60m 6.96 959 Candidate for master 18.01.2024. Sporta skolas "Arkādija" Rīgas kausi telpās 2024
100m 10.76 (+1.7) 959 Candidate for master 29.06.2024. Latvian Championships
200m 21.81 (-0.3) 952 Candidate for master 09.06.2023. LAA/ Sportland Cup V
300m 38.51 684 Third-class 22.01.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup II
400m 54.20 627 Third-class 22.05.2021. Baltic Combined Events Team championships
600m 1:54.65 104 Third-class junior 08.12.2017. Manēžas kauss 2017
800m 2:36.95 144 Second-class junior 04.03.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Indoor Team Championships
1000m 3:09.91 285 First-class junior 25.01.2020. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
1500m 5:18.50 179 Second-class junior 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
4x100m 41.31 982 Candidate for master 25.05.2024. CDS ASSOLUTO su pista
4x200m 1:30.41 896 First-class 04.03.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Indoor Team Championships
60m Hurdles 7.97 1050 Master 17.02.2024. Latvian Indoor Championships
60m Hurdles (0 cm) 10.05 24.11.2017. KNSS atklātās sacensības U16
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 10.45 12.02.2017. Latvian championships U14
60m Hurdles (83.8 cm) 8.63 Second-class 06.12.2019. Starptautiskās jaunatnes sacensības Maniežo taure 2019 Klaipēda
60m Hurdles (91.4 cm) 8.40 First-class 08.03.2020. A.K. Leimaņa piemiņas kauss vieglatlētikā
60m Hurdles (99.1 cm) 7.94 Candidate for master 10.02.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
110m Hurdles 14.34 (+1.9) 1006 Master 31.05.2023. Ievas Zundas un Gunta Pedera kausa izcīņa barjerskriešanā
110m Hurdles (0 cm) 18.38 16.05.2018. Rojas novada Sporta skolas vieglatlētikas sacensības U16 vecuma grupai.
110m Hurdles (83.8 cm) 15.68 (+0.6) Second-class 13.07.2019. Baltic U16 and U20 team championships
110m Hurdles (91.4 cm) 14.42 (+1.8) Candidate for master 02.07.2021. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
110m Hurdles (99.1 cm) 14.25 (+0.1) Candidate for master 16.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
300m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 56.61 10.05.2017. LVS CUP
400m Hurdles 57.28 797 First-class 18.06.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup VI
Long Jump 6.83 886 First-class 17.12.2023. Ziemassvētku kauss (P)
Triple Jump 12.88 (-0.1) 733 Third-class 16.07.2022. Baltic U18 and U20 Team Championships
High Jump 1.68 638 Third-class 25.01.2020. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
Pole Vault 3.35 556 Third-class 18.07.2020. Sportland Cup
Shot Put (4 kg) 9.56 Third-class junior 25.05.2019. Baltic Combined events team championships
Shot Put (5 kg) 11.26 First-class junior 22.05.2021. Baltic Combined Events Team championships
Discus Throw (1 kg) 20.83 25.05.2019. Baltic Combined events team championships
Discus Throw (1.5 kg) 32.47 First-class junior 22.05.2021. Baltic Combined Events Team championships
Javelin Throw (600 g) 32.63 25.05.2019. Baltic Combined events team championships
Javelin Throw (700 g) 39.90 Second-class junior 22.08.2020. Olympic champion Janis Lusis Cup in Javelin
400+300+200+100m 2:20.60 12.05.2018. IAAF athletics day
4x160m 1:32.43 24.02.2018. Latvian 16 championships
80m hurdles (76.2 cm) 13.39 (+?) * 07.06.2017. Latvian championships U14
Mixed 4x200m Relay 1:34.88 10.02.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
100+200+300+400m 1:55.40 16.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
5586 758 22.05.2021. Outdoor Baltic Combined Events Team championships
5403 731 04.09.2020. Outdoor Baltic Outdoor Team championships of Combined Events
5282 713 04.08.2020. Outdoor Latvian Combined events championships
4072 533 25.05.2019. Outdoor Baltic Combined events team championships