Viesturs Jaudzems

Date of birth:
2011 (U16)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Lacks certificate
First-class junior


Coach From To
Mārtiņš Bogdanovs 01.09.2024.


Organisation Role From To
Cēsu pilsētas Sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2024.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.45 347 Second-class junior 06.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14
200m 27.05 403 First-class junior 21.02.2025. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14, U16
300m 49.32 135 06.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14
800m 2:25.90 286 First-class junior 21.02.2025. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14, U16
1000m 3:46.27 21 06.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14
4x200m 1:54.77 266 Third-class junior 21.02.2025. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14, U16
7.10 km 0:40:45 06.07.2024. Vecpiebalgas Stirnu Buks
7km 0:48:59 09.09.2023. Raiskuma ezera Stirnu buks
6.30 km 0:44:32 22.04.2023. Gaujmaliešu Stirnu buks

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.45 347 06.12.2024. Indoor LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14 1
8.45 347 06.12.2024. Indoor LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14 1