Ieva Ivaško

Date of birth:
1989 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
5km 22:26 459 Second-class junior 20.08.2022. Latvian 10km Road Running Championships
Half Marathon 1:38:18 10.08.2024. Kuldīgas 19.pusmaratons
Marathon 3:48:14 493 Third-class 07.09.2024. Tallinas maratons 2024
20km 1:51:28 * 16.04.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 5th stage
13.60 km 1:21:31 01.10.2022. Lielā ciema Stirnu buks
24.00 km 2:35:25 12.08.2023. Šlokenbekas muižas Stirnu buks
12.40 km 1:23:15 18.06.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 7th stage
17.60km 1:48:55.0 21.05.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 6th stage
24.30km 2:35:52.0 22.04.2023. Gaujmaliešu Stirnu buks
11.80 km 1:01:38.0 06.07.2024. Vecpiebalgas Stirnu Buks
23.70 km 2:34:53.0 14.09.2024. Sveikuļu meža Stirnu Buks

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Electronic measurement
22:26 459 20.08.2022. Road Latvian 10km Road Running Championships 1