Rūdolfs Ričards Andersons

Date of birth:
1994 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Organisation Role From To
Matisons Runner’s Club Athlete 26.07.2022.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.4 * 77 22.11.2008. Kuldīgas raj. SS sac. vieglatlētikā
100m 12.58 (+?) * 481 Third-class 11.08.2012. LVS KAUSU IZCĪŅAS III POSMS
200m 26.44 (+?) * 416 First-class junior 21.07.2012. LATVIJAS KAUSU IZCĪŅAS II POSMS UN JŪRMALAS PILSĒTAS ČEMPIONĀTS
10000m 41:56.86 210 04.07.2020. 17:00 Latvijas čempionāts 10000m
5km 17:05 478 Third-class 02.09.2023. Latvian 5km Road Running Championships
10km 0:37:30 29.07.2023. Jelgavas Nakts pusmaratons
Half Marathon 1:18:43 553 Third-class 01.10.2023. Pasaules čempionāts skriešanā - Masu skrējieni
Marathon 3:05:31 422 Third-class 19.05.2024. Latvian Marathon Championships
20km 1:26:22 * 16.04.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 5th stage
26.00 km 1:59:22 25.03.2023. Sila priežu Stirnu buks 2023
86.00 km 9:15:29 01.07.2023. Opekalna baznīcas Stirnu buks
13km 0:50:04 09.09.2023. Raiskuma ezera Stirnu buks
17.60km 1:25:18.0 21.05.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 6th stage
20.40km 1:48:58.0 18.06.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 7th stage
20.60km 1:36:04.0 10.09.2022. Tērvetes Stirnu buks
29.80km 2:46:14.0 22.04.2023. Gaujmaliešu Stirnu buks
28.30 km 2:13:48.0 27.05.2023. Zilo kalnu Stirnu buks
29.00 km 2:33:06.0 12.08.2023. Šlokenbekas muižas Stirnu buks
13.80km 0:55:14.0 07.10.2023. Sabiles Vīna kalna Stirnu buks

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.4 * 77 22.11.2008. Indoor Kuldīgas raj. SS sac. vieglatlētikā 0