Amanda Zvagule

Date of birth:
2009 (U18)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Mārtiņš Rūgums 19.06.2021. 10.11.2024.
Annabel Luuk 11.11.2024.


Organisation Role From To
Liepājas sporta spēļu skola Athlete 19.06.2021.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 4088 706 First-class 21.06.2024. Latvian Combined Events Championships
Pentathlon 3085 731 Second-class 12.01.2025. Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
60m 8.68 704 Third-class 14.02.2024. LIEPĀJAS ATKLĀTĀS SACENSĪBAS VIEGLATLĒTIKĀ U10, U12 vecuma grupām
100m 14.17 (-0.7) 608 Third-class 04.07.2023. Valmieras spēles (U14, U16, U18) 2023
200m 28.30 (-0.7) 663 Second-class 21.06.2024. Latvian Combined Events Championships
600m 1:49.66 638 Third-class 16.05.2024. LVS x Maxima kauss četrcīņā (atlases posms Kuldīgā)
800m 2:39.48 563 Third-class 22.06.2024. Latvian Combined Events Championships
4x100m 53.90 757 Second-class 29.06.2023. Latvian U14 and U16 Championships
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.68 Second-class 14.12.2024. Liepājas SSS daudzcīņas sacensības U14, U16, U18, U20 (ar uzaicinātiem sportistiem)
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 16.22 (+1.3) Second-class 04.06.2024. 28 "Valmieras spēles - 2024" U14, U16, U18+U20 grupām
Long Jump 5.04 (-2.2) 792 Third-class 16.05.2024. LVS x Maxima kauss četrcīņā (atlases posms Kuldīgā)
High Jump 1.62 849 Second-class 16.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships
Pole Vault 2.95 642 Second-class 22.02.2024. Latvian U16 Indoor Championships
Shot Put (2 kg) 9.67 First-class junior 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships
Shot Put (3 kg) 12.60 Second-class 15.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships
Discus Throw (0.75 kg) 18.73 27.05.2023. LAA x Sportland Cup IV
Javelin Throw (400 g) 26.51 Second-class junior 11.06.2023. Latvian Combined Events Championships
80m 10.92 (+1.3) 16.05.2024. LVS x Maxima kauss četrcīņā (atlases posms Kuldīgā)
Combined for kids 15 16.05.2024. LVS x Maxima kauss četrcīņā (atlases posms Kuldīgā)
Hexathlon U14 F 2224 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
4088 706 21.06.2024. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships
3780 648 10.06.2023. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships