Roberts Smila

Date of birth:
2007 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate
First-class junior


Coach From To
Toms Čerņiks


Organisation Role From To
Ķekavas novada sporta skola Athlete 17.07.2021.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.44 350 Second-class junior 02.02.2022. LVS/ Maxima Youth Cup (U14, U16)
100m 13.37 (+0.9) 324 Second-class junior 18.05.2022. LAA/ Maxima Youth Cup (U16)
200m 27.47 (+1.9) 327 First-class junior 15.06.2022. LAA/ Maxima Youth Cup (U16)
400m 1:04.07 227 Third-class junior 21.06.2022. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U16 vecuma grupai
600m 1:49.59 178 Third-class junior 05.01.2024. Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga''
1500m 5:35.66 106 Second-class junior 03.02.2024. Sportland Cup II
Long Jump 4.92 (-0.7) 486 Second-class junior 15.06.2022. LAA/ Maxima Youth Cup (U16)
Triple jump from the floor 6.86 (+?) * 17.07.2021. LSC čempionāts stadionā 3. posms

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.44 350 02.02.2022. Indoor LVS/ Maxima Youth Cup (U14, U16) 0.166 1
8.3 * 320 14.01.2022. Indoor Talsu novada Sporta skolas atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U-16 grupai