Adelīna Tutova

Date of birth:
2010 (U16)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Aļona Fomenko


Organisation Role From To
Jelgavas vieglatlētikas klubs Athlete 29.06.2020.
Jelgavas Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.56 736 Third-class 14.12.2024. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U16
200m 29.86 610 Third-class 21.02.2025. LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U14, U16
300m 53.54 427 Second-class junior 22.01.2023. LVS x Sportland kauss 2.posms (U14, U16)
4x100m 53.19 782 Second-class 29.06.2023. Latvian U14 and U16 Championships
Long Jump 3.60 (+0.3) 489 Third-class junior 25.05.2022. Zemgales reģiona sacensības vieglatlētikā U12 U14. SLĒGTĀS
80m 11.99 (+0.4) 25.05.2022. Zemgales reģiona sacensības vieglatlētikā U12 U14. SLĒGTĀS
Mixed 4x100m Relay 59.75 31.05.2022. International Children's Athletics competition

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.56 736 14.12.2024. Indoor LVS x Sportland Jaunatnes kauss U16 1
8.56 736 01.03.2025. Indoor Latvian Indoor U16 Championships 1
8.66 710 07.12.2024. Indoor Tarptautinės varžybos „Maniežo taurė -2024” 1
9.15 * 🥈 02.10.2021. Outdoor International Athletics competition for chilfren 1
9.25 * 31.05.2022. Outdoor International Children's Athletics competition 1
9.43 * 25.09.2020. Outdoor International Children's Athletics competition 1
9.47 * 31.05.2022. Outdoor International Children's Athletics competition 1
9.51 * 02.10.2021. Outdoor International Athletics competition for chilfren 1
9.72 * 03.07.2020. Outdoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U10 un U12 vecuma grupām 1