Anete Retere

Date of birth:
2007 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Has certificate
Candidate for master


Coach From To
Daiga Stumbre 21.06.2020.


Organisation Role From To
Liepājas sporta spēļu skola Athlete 21.06.2020.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 2734 452 Third-class 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships
Pentathlon 3098 734 Second-class 28.12.2022. Liepājas SSS slēgtās sacensības U16 un vecākām grupām
60m 8.16 849 Second-class 09.03.2024. ALBERTA K. LEIMAŅA PIEMIŅAS KAUSS VIEGLATLĒTIKĀ
100m 13.38 (-2.1) 737 Second-class 30.06.2022. Latvian U16 Championships
200m 27.11 815 First-class 05.02.2023. Liepājas čempionāts 2023
300m 48.68 561 First-class junior 01.07.2020. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U14 vecuma grupai
800m 2:42.64 587 Third-class 29.01.2022. Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
4x100m 47.62 988 Candidate for master 11.07.2024. Baltic U18 Team Championships
4x200m 1:46.49 919 First-class 09.02.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
60m Hurdles (0 cm) 9.42 28.12.2022. Liepājas SSS slēgtās sacensības U16 un vecākām grupām
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.16 First-class 10.02.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 14.91 (-1.5) First-class 16.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
Long Jump 5.95 (+1.9) 988 Candidate for master 08.06.2024. LAA x Sportland Cup IV
Triple Jump 9.43 (+1.9) 659 Second-class junior 30.06.2021. LAA/Maxima Youth Cup
High Jump 1.59 820 Second-class 02.06.2023. Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U16, U18
Shot Put (3 kg) 8.13 First-class junior 28.12.2022. Liepājas SSS slēgtās sacensības U16 un vecākām grupām
Javelin Throw (400 g) 16.16 20.07.2021. Latvian Combined Events National championships U14, U16, U18
Javelin Throw (500 g) 21.76 First-class junior 02.04.2023. Latvian Winter Throwing Championships
80m 11.41 (+0.9) 15.07.2020. Latvian U14 championships
Mixed 4x200m Relay 1:40.19 Second-class 16.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships
100+200+300+400m 2:20.45 16.06.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
2734 452 11.06.2022. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships
2615 430 20.07.2021. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events National championships U14, U16, U18