Eduards Stokmanis

Date of birth:
2007 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate
First-class junior


Coach From To
Aļona Fomenko


Organisation Role From To
Jelgavas Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skola Athlete 10.02.2020.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.48 102 12.02.2020. LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām
100m 13.16 (+0.8) 363 Second-class junior 08.06.2024. LAA x Sportland Cup IV
200m 26.61 444 First-class junior 22.12.2024. Ziemassvētku kauss U18, U20
Long Jump 4.26 (+1.3) 351 Third-class junior 07.07.2021. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U16 vecuma grupai
High Jump 1.30 318 Third-class junior 25.09.2020. International Children's Athletics competition
Javelin Throw (700 g) 27.15 04.07.2023. Valmieras spēles (U14, U16, U18) 2023
5km 56:17 29.07.2023. Jelgavas Nakts pusmaratons
Combined for kids 130 12.02.2020. LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām
Mixed 4x100m Relay 56.40 25.09.2020. International Children's Athletics competition

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.48 102 12.02.2020. Indoor LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām 1