Paula Estere Rutule

Date of birth:
2005 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Nadežda Milbrete 02.01.2020.
Anete Vitte 24.04.2019. 31.08.2019.


Organisation Role From To
Mārupes sporta centrs Athlete 24.04.2019. 31.08.2019.
Rīgas sporta skola Arkādija Athlete 01.09.2019.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.94 637 Third-class 12.02.2020. LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām
100m 14.45 (+0.2) 565 Third-class 10.07.2020. Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U16 vecuma grupai
200m 30.13 (-0.9) 529 Third-class 20.07.2020. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 Combined events championships
300m 49.76 563 First-class junior 12.02.2020. LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām
Long Jump 3.68 505 Third-class junior 10.01.2020. Sportland Cup
Triple Jump 9.14 (+0.2) 630 Third-class junior 03.07.2020. Māra Bružika kausa izcīņa trīssoļlēkšanā
Long jump from the floor 2.26 (+?) * 05.09.2020. LSC čempionāts stadionā 5.posms
100+200+300+400m 2:36.46 10.07.2020. Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U16 vecuma grupai

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.94 637 12.02.2020. Indoor LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām 1