Hedviga Estere Šēra

Date of birth:
2004 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Alvis Čākurs 01.09.2017. 31.08.2018.
Jūlija Iļjušina-Pavlova 02.09.2018.


Organisation Role From To
Rīgas sporta skola Arkādija Athlete 10.02.2018.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Pentathlon 885 173 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
60m 9.16 583 Second-class junior 10.02.2019. Maxima Youth cup
100m 14.44 (-1.7) 566 Third-class 15.06.2019. LSC atklātais čempionāts stadionā 3.posms: 80m un 100m čempionāti, 600m, 3000m, tāllēkšana
200m 30.16 (+0.8) 527 Third-class 11.05.2019. LSC atklātais čempionāts stadionā, 2.posms,stadions "Daugava" pl.11.00 200m-č, 800m, 5000m, tāllēkšana-č.
300m 48.77 602 Third-class 10.02.2019. Maxima Youth cup
400m 1:05.77 655 Third-class 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
600m 1:54.01 619 Third-class 23.02.2019. Latvian U16 championships
800m 2:46.53 479 Third-class 19.07.2019. Sportland Cup
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 12.95 Third-class junior 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
300m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 56.58 First-class junior 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
Shot Put (3 kg) 5.75 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
Long jump from the floor 2.09 (+?) * 04.05.2019. LSC atklātais čempionāts stadionā 1. posms: 300m-č, 400m-č, 1000m, 10 000m-č, tāllēkšana no vietas.
100+200+300+400m 2:28.22 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
885 173 26.01.2019. Indoor Latvian Combined events and race walking championships