Tomass Matvejs
- Gender:
- male
- Date of birth:
- 2006 (U20)
- Country:
- 🇱🇻 Latvia
- License:
- No license
- I run clean:
- Lacks certificate
- Classification:
- Second-class junior
Coach | From | To |
Anita Koziča | 01.01.2017. |
Organisation | Role | From | To |
Ķekavas novada sporta skola | Athlete | 01.01.2017. |
Best results
Discipline | Result | WA | Classification | Date | Event |
1000m | 3:20.09 | 171 | Second-class junior | 03.07.2019. | Latvian U14 championships |
1500m | 5:15.76 | 194 | Second-class junior | 10.07.2020. | Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U16 vecuma grupai |
Long Jump | 4.07 | 312 | Third-class junior | 15.01.2019. | Latvian U14 championships selection (Riga zone) |
Results by event
Result | WA | Date | Venue type | Event | Electronic measurement |
3:20.09 | 171 | 2019-07-03 00:00:00 03.07.2019. | Outdoor | Latvian U14 championships | 1 |
3:23.05 | 146 | 2019-06-20 00:00:00 20.06.2019. | Outdoor | Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensībās vieglatlētikā U14 vecuma grupai | 1 |
3:24.08 | 138 | 2018-06-11 00:00:00 11.06.2018. | Outdoor | Baltijas valstu bērnu festivāls vieglatlētikā (atlase uz Poliju) | 1 |
3:30.27 | 100 | 2020-02-12 00:00:00 12.02.2020. | Indoor | LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām | 1 |
3:37.60 | 57 | 2019-01-15 00:00:00 15.01.2019. | Indoor | Latvian U14 championships selection (Riga zone) | 1 |