Roberts Līdaka

Date of birth:
2003 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Sandis Sabājevs 01.01.2018.


Organisation Role From To
Rīgas sporta skola Arkādija Athlete 01.01.2018.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 7.62 650 13.01.2018. Sportland CUP
100m 12.30 (-1.3) 544 Third-class 25.05.2018. Individual athletics competition „SALDUS SPORT SCHOOL’S ATHLETIC’S COMPETITION”
300m 43.98 354 First-class junior 13.01.2018. Sportland CUP
Long Jump 6.02 714 Third-class 02.03.2018. Sportland CUP
10km 0:53:29 0 15.05.2022. Rimi Riga Marathon/ Latvian Marathon Championships
Flying 30m 3.40 05.01.2018. Sprinta diena
4x160m 1:29.18 24.02.2018. Latvian 16 championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
7.62 🥇 650 13.01.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
7.67 629 13.02.2018. Indoor Jēkabpils Sporta skolas atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U-16 vecuma grupā 1
7.73 605 13.01.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
7.73 605 24.02.2018. Indoor Latvian 16 championships 1
7.73 605 02.03.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
7.76 592 24.02.2018. Indoor Latvian 16 championships 1
7.78 584 02.03.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
7.82 568 30.11.2018. Indoor 61. D. Karbiševa piemiņas sacensības 1
7.87 🥉 549 05.01.2018. Indoor Sprinta diena 1
7.3 * 🥈 685 15.02.2018. Indoor Sporta skolas "Arkādija" iekšējās sacensības vieglatlētikā U16 un U18