Annija Grinšpone

Date of birth:
2004 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Skaidrīte Velberga 01.01.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Dobeles Sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.27 557 10.03.2018. Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā telpās U 14, U 16
100m 14.77 518 Third-class 03.05.2019. Iecavas novada sporta skolas "Dartija" sezonas atklāšanas sacensības vieglatlētikā U-18 un U-20 grupām
300m 53.43 388 Third-class junior 07.06.2017. Latvian championships U14
4x100m 1:02.68 485 Second-class junior 04.05.2017. IAAF athletics day
4x200m 2:05.44 618 First-class junior 16.11.2018. Kuldīgas novada sporta skolas sacensības U16 grupai
Long Jump 4.57 692 First-class junior 10.02.2019. Maxima Youth cup
Triple Jump 10.21 (-0.1) 736 First-class junior 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
4x160m 1:41.69 23.02.2019. Latvian U16 championships
80m 12.35 (+?) * 07.06.2017. Latvian championships U14

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.27 557 10.03.2018. Indoor Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā telpās U 14, U 16 1
9.32 545 16.11.2018. Indoor Kuldīgas novada sporta skolas sacensības U16 grupai 1
9.43 520 13.01.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
9.2 * 517 24.11.2017. Indoor Limbažu un Salacgrīvas novadu sporta skolas sacensības telpās U16, U14