Daniils Baikovs

Date of birth:
2004 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Alvis Čākurs 01.09.2017. 01.09.2018.
Jūlija Iļjušina-Pavlova 02.09.2018.
Jūlija Gruņenko 01.01.2017. 31.08.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Rīgas sporta skola Arkādija Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon indoor 2790 487 Second-class junior 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
60m 7.82 568 Third-class 15.01.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup I
100m 12.08 (-0.5) 596 Third-class 05.06.2021. LAA/Sportland Cup I
200m 25.16 (+2.0) 543 Third-class 14.07.2020. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 vecuma grupām
300m 39.84 594 Third-class 07.02.2020. Latvian U18 and U20 indoor championships
400m 56.28 580 Third-class 15.01.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup I
1000m 3:16.26 217 Second-class junior 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
4x100m 47.99 571 Third-class 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 10.82 19.01.2017. Rīgas zonas atlases sacensības LČ U-14
60m Hurdles (83.8 cm) 9.22 Third-class 06.12.2019. Starptautiskās jaunatnes sacensības Maniežo taure 2019 Klaipēda
110m Hurdles (83.8 cm) 16.98 (-0.2) Third-class 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
300m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 44.37 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events
400m Hurdles (83.8 cm) 1:00.40 02.07.2021. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
Long Jump 5.88 685 Third-class 05.02.2022. LAA/ Sportland Cup III
Triple Jump 11.95 (+0.4) 638 First-class junior 02.07.2021. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
High Jump 1.44 435 Third-class junior 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
Shot Put (4 kg) 7.04 26.01.2019. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
400+300+200+100m 2:19.24 04.05.2017. IAAF athletics day
80m 11.41 26.05.2017. Daugavgrīvas trīscīņa vieglatlētikā
80m hurdles (76.2 cm) 14.11 (+?) * 07.06.2017. Latvian championships U14
Combined for kids 6 26.05.2017. Daugavgrīvas trīscīņa vieglatlētikā

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
2790 487 26.01.2019. Indoor Latvian Combined events and race walking championships