Tomass Tavars

Date of birth:
2002 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Aivars Vērdiņš 01.01.2017. 23.01.2018.
Diāna Lāce 23.01.2019.


Organisation Role From To
Liepājas sporta spēļu skola Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.15 446 08.12.2017. Manēžas kauss 2017
100m 14.10 (-2.0) 207 Third-class junior 07.05.2016. Saldus SS atklātās sacensības skriešanas disciplīnās
200m 26.23 (-1.2) 436 First-class junior 28.04.2018. Individual athletics competition „SALDUS RACE 2018 ”
300m 40.19 571 Third-class 14.02.2020. 18:25 Liepājas atklātais čempionāts 2020
400m 55.19 578 Third-class 21.06.2018. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
600m 1:40.58 360 First-class junior 24.02.2017. Latvian championships U16
800m 2:10.92 556 Second-class 14.02.2020. Liepājas atklātais čempionāts 2020
1000m 3:02.51 354 First-class junior 18.07.2017. LVS CUP
1500m 4:50.64 362 First-class junior 08.06.2017. Liepājas atklātais čempionāts
4x200m 1:41.19 571 Third-class 02.02.2018. Latvian U18 and U20 championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.15 446 08.12.2017. Indoor Manēžas kauss 2017 1
8.20 428 25.11.2017. Indoor Kuldīgas novada čempionāts 1
8.29 398 13.01.2018. Indoor Sportland CUP 1
8.49 335 11.03.2017. Indoor Kuldīgas kauss 1
8.56 314 25.11.2016. Indoor KNSS atklātās sacensības 1