Nikola Bērziņa

Date of birth:
2006 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Ieva Skurule 01.01.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Kuldīgas novada sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Pentathlon 3210 763 First-class 09.03.2024. Baltic Indoor Combined Events Team Championships
60m 8.14 855 Second-class 05.01.2024. Open Liepaja city 2024 athletics championship
100m 12.97 (+0.4) 808 Second-class 20.05.2023. Kuldīgas NSS atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U16 U18
200m 26.73 846 First-class 10.12.2023. Kuldīgas novada atklātais čempionāts vieglatlētikā 2023
300m 44.82 770 Second-class 14.01.2023. LAA/ Sportland Cup I
600m 1:56.12 585 Third-class 10.01.2020. Sportland Cup
800m 2:34.83 681 Second-class 28.01.2024. Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
1000m 3:33.31 560 Third-class 08.03.2020. A.K. Leimaņa piemiņas kauss vieglatlētikā
4x100m 54.24 745 Second-class 15.07.2021. Latvian U16 National Championships
4x200m 1:55.59 767 Third-class 04.03.2023. Alberta K. Leimaņa piemiņas kauss vieglatlētikā
60m Hurdles 9.25 893 First-class 10.03.2024. Baltic Indoor Combined Events Team Championships
60m Hurdles (0 cm) 10.16 16.12.2023. "Ziemassvētku kauss - 2023"
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.99 Third-class 28.01.2023. Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
100m Hurdles 16.75 (-0.5) 698 Second-class 15.06.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 15.49 (-1.5) Second-class 16.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
400m Hurdles 1:07.63 811 First-class 17.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
400m Hurdles (76 cm) 1:08.38 25.05.2024. Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U18, U20
Long Jump 5.47 884 Second-class 16.12.2023. "Ziemassvētku kauss - 2023"
Triple Jump 11.60 (-1.9) 874 Second-class 17.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
High Jump 1.58 811 Second-class 10.03.2024. Baltic Indoor Combined Events Team Championships
Shot Put 7.41 427 First-class junior 10.03.2024. Baltic Indoor Combined Events Team Championships
Shot Put (3 kg) 7.03 Second-class junior 28.01.2023. Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
4x160m 1:46.08 03.02.2019. Latvian U14 indoor championships
Mixed 4x200m Relay 1:42.04 Second-class 16.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
3210 763 09.03.2024. Indoor Baltic Indoor Combined Events Team Championships
3054 723 27.01.2024. Indoor Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships
2595 604 28.01.2023. Indoor Latvian Indoor Combined Events Championships