Sanija Vaskopa

Date of birth:
2002 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Aija Lancmane 01.01.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Kuldīgas novada sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 8.95 635 14.01.2017. LVS Cup
100m 14.55 (+2.0) 550 Third-class 25.05.2018. Individual athletics competition „SALDUS SPORT SCHOOL’S ATHLETIC’S COMPETITION”
200m 31.18 (+3.0) * 459 Third-class 10.05.2017. LVS CUP
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 12.7 * 27.02.2015. Ventspils novada BJSS atklātās sac.vieglatlētikā,Ventspils OC manēža C,B grupām
Long Jump 4.57 692 First-class junior 11.03.2017. Kuldīgas kauss
Triple Jump 9.74 (+0.0) 689 Second-class junior 22.05.2017. Riga championships for youth

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
8.95 635 14.01.2017. Indoor LVS Cup 1
9.02 617 05.03.2016. Indoor Kuldīgas kauss 1
9.06 607 27.11.2015. Indoor Kuldīgas NSS sacensības B grupai 1
9.12 592 17.03.2018. Indoor Kuldīgas kauss 1
9.14 588 13.02.2016. Indoor Latvijas čempionāts U-16, RSM 1
9.24 564 30.11.2019. Indoor Kuldīgas novada atklātais čempionāts 1
9.28 554 25.11.2017. Indoor Kuldīgas novada čempionāts 1
9.0 * 564 09.01.2016. Indoor LVS kauss 1.posms Kuldīga 0