Marta Sīviņa

Date of birth:
2003 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Artūrs Priževoits 01.01.2017.


Organisation Role From To
Ogres novada sporta centrs Athlete 01.01.2017.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 5267 932 Master 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships
Pentathlon 4174 1017 Master 27.02.2025. 2025 SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships
60m 7.75 972 First-class 17.01.2025. Vanderbilt Invitational
100m 13.63 (+1.7) 694 Second-class 18.07.2020. Sportland Cup
200m 25.57 (-0.3) 890 First-class 11.04.2024. 2024 Bryan Clay Invitational
300m 40.72 966 First-class 11.01.2025. Commodore Challenge
800m 2:16.78 881 First-class 12.04.2024. 2024 Bryan Clay Invitational
4x100m 52.42 809 Second-class 22.07.2020. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
60m Hurdles 8.44 1063 Master 15.02.2025. Music City Challenge
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.20 First-class 27.01.2018. Latvian Championships combined events and race walking
100m Hurdles 14.47 (+0.9) 959 Candidate for master 05.04.2024. Joe Walker Invitational
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 15.56 (+0.5) Second-class 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
Long Jump 5.72 938 First-class 17.01.2025. Vanderbilt Invitational
High Jump 1.75 974 Candidate for master 27.02.2025. 2025 SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships
Shot Put 12.51 741 First-class 26.01.2023. Texas Tech Invite & Multis
Shot Put (2 kg) 7.63 Third-class junior 14.08.2015. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā "Metēju diena"
Shot Put (3 kg) 13.68 Second-class 04.09.2020. Baltic Outdoor Team championships of Combined Events
Discus Throw 19.89 339 22.09.2018. Rudens sacensības mešanu disciplīnās ''Kokneses kauss 2018''
Javelin Throw 34.70 612 Third-class 11.06.2022. Latvian Combined Events Championships
Javelin Throw (400 g) 33.53 First-class junior 23.09.2017. Metēju diena "Kokneses kauss 2017"
Javelin Throw (500 g) 31.78 Second-class 04.09.2020. Baltic Outdoor Team championships of Combined Events
2km 0:10:51 * 17.10.2015. Latvijas čempionāts krosā,Carnikava
400+300+200+100m 2:34.66 12.05.2018. IAAF athletics day
80m hurdles (76.2 cm) 13.46 (+?) * 17.05.2016. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās vieglatlētikas sacensības U14 grupai
100+200+300+400m 2:34.00 22.07.2020. Latvian U18 and U20 championships
Mixed 100+200+300+400 relay 2:09.84 14.05.2022. Latvian Relay Championships (U16, U18, U20)

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
5267 932 11.06.2022. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships
5186 916 24.06.2022. Outdoor Estonian Championships 2022
4996 880 11.04.2024. Outdoor 2024 Bryan Clay Invitational
4989 878 04.09.2020. Outdoor Baltic Outdoor Team championships of Combined Events
4917 864 28.05.2022. Outdoor Baltic Combined Events Team Championships
4867 855 26.06.2021. Outdoor Latvian National Championships
4818 845 11.06.2021. Outdoor Lietuvas čempionāts daudzcīņās
4792 840 22.05.2021. Outdoor Baltic Combined Events Team championships
4729 828 04.08.2020. Outdoor Latvian Combined events championships
4018 693 09.06.2018. Outdoor Latvian Championships combined events
3926 675 03.06.2017. Outdoor Latvian Championships combined events
3926 🥈 675 03.06.2017. Outdoor Latvian Championships combined events
719 84 25.05.2019. Outdoor Baltic Combined events team championships

Officiated events

Event Date Position
LAA/ Maxima Youth Cup (U16) May 18 - 18 Judge for Field Events
Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U16 vecuma grupai June 21 - 21 Chief Judge for Field Events Shot Put (U16, F): Chief Judge for Field Events
Shot Put (U16, M): Chief Judge for Field Events
Ogres novada atklātais čempionāts July 19 - 19 Chief Judge for Field Events Long Jump (Senior, F): Steward
Long Jump (Senior, M): Steward
Triple Jump (Senior, F): Steward
Triple Jump (Senior, M): Steward
Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U16 vecuma grupai June 14 - 14 Chief Judge for Field Events
Latvian U18 and U20 Championships June 16 - 17 Chief Judge for Field Events