Rita Krauja

Date of birth:
2004 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Līga Dzene 01.01.2017. 31.08.2023.
Pēteris Karlivāns 01.09.2019. 31.08.2023.
Raitis Ravinskis 01.01.2017. 31.08.2023.


Organisation Role From To
Valmieras Sporta skola Athlete 01.01.2017. 31.08.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 4657 815 First-class 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
Pentathlon 3185 757 Second-class 25.01.2020. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
60m 8.47 761 Third-class 29.02.2020. Latvian indoor championships
100m 13.33 (+2.0) 745 Second-class 18.07.2020. Sportland Cup
200m 26.83 (+1.3) 781 First-class 11.06.2021. Lietuvas čempionāts daudzcīņās
300m 45.07 759 Second-class 23.02.2019. Latvian U16 championships
400m 1:01.44 789 Second-class 26.05.2019. "Alūksnes kausi" U-14, U-16, U-18 un vecāki
800m 2:30.53 680 Second-class 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
4x100m 52.63 801 Second-class 12.06.2018. Valgas čempionāts
4x200m 1:47.94 894 Second-class 08.03.2018. "Kuldīgas kauss" U16 un U18 grupām
60m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 9.66 Second-class 25.01.2020. Latvian Combined events and race walking championships
100m Hurdles 16.21 (+3.0) * 756 Second-class 07.07.2020. RAKVERE LINNA LAHTISED KERGEJÕUSTIKUVÕISTLUSED
100m Hurdles (76.2 cm) 15.50 (+0.8) Second-class 11.06.2021. Lietuvas čempionāts daudzcīņās
Long Jump 5.53 (-1.5) 897 First-class 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
Triple Jump 10.96 (+1.1) 810 Third-class 21.07.2018. Baltic state U16 and U20 Team Championships
High Jump 1.60 830 Second-class 05.06.2021. LAA/Sportland Cup I
Pole Vault 2.60 538 Third-class 09.05.2018. Valmieras BSS un Valmieras VK sacensības lodes grūšanā, diska mešanā, kārtslēkšanā, un barjerskriešanā
Shot Put 11.93 07.07.2020. RAKVERE MITMEVÕISTLUSE KARIKAVÕISTLUS,Daudzcīņas.
Shot Put (3 kg) 11.93 Third-class 07.07.2020. RAKVERE LINNA LAHTISED KERGEJÕUSTIKUVÕISTLUSED
Javelin Throw 30.04 526 Third-class 10.07.2021. Ogres novada atklātais čempionāts
Javelin Throw (500 g) 34.53 Second-class 04.08.2020. Latvian Combined events championships
150m 24.7 * 13.12.2014. Sacensības Igaunijā "TÜ ASKi jõuluvõistlus lastele"Tartu sporta centrs
400+300+200+100m 2:28.03 12.05.2018. IAAF athletics day
4x160m 1:34.64 24.02.2018. Latvian 16 championships
Mixed 4x200m Relay 1:51.18 29.05.2018. Pirmie starti vieglatlētikā
100+200+300+400m 2:27.65 29.06.2019. Latvian U16 championships and Latvian U14 championships of Combined events

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
4657 815 04.08.2020. Outdoor Latvian Combined events championships
4482 781 04.09.2020. Outdoor Baltic Outdoor Team championships of Combined Events
4480 781 22.05.2021. Outdoor Baltic Combined Events Team championships
3402 576 11.06.2021. Outdoor Lietuvas čempionāts daudzcīņās
3272 552 07.07.2020. Outdoor RAKVERE MITMEVÕISTLUSE KARIKAVÕISTLUS,Daudzcīņas.
3194 537 20.07.2021. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events National championships U14, U16, U18
2190 351 11.06.2022. Outdoor Latvian Combined Events Championships

Officiated events

Event Date Position
Baltic Team Championships/ President's Cup August 13 - 14 Judge for Field Events Long Jump (Senior, F): Judge for Field Events
Long Jump (Senior, M): Judge for Field Events
Triple Jump (Senior, F): Judge for Field Events
Triple Jump (Senior, M): Judge for Field Events
Valmiera-Valga JAVELIN CUP 2021 September 18 - 18 Judge for Field Events Javelin Throw (U12, M): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (U16, M): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (U18, M): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (Senior, F): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (Senior, M): Judge for Field Events
Valsts Prezidenta Jaunatnes balvas izcīņas sacensības vieglatlētikā August 13 - 13 Judge for Field Events
Valmieras novada atklātais čempionāts vieglatlētikā August 06 - 07 Judge for Field Events Long Jump (Senior, F): Judge for Field Events
Long Jump (Senior, M): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (Senior, F): Judge for Field Events
Javelin Throw (Senior, M): Judge for Field Events