ISF Pasaules skolēnu čempionāts vieglatlētikā (atlikts līdz 2023. gadam). (3)

Period: 23/06/2022 - 29/06/2022 Location: Trabzona, Turcija Category: Other


WSC Athletics 2022 Bulletin 1.pdf

International School Sport Federation decided to follow the proposal presented by the Local Organising Committees of ISF events when it comes to the Coronavirus situation. The proposal presented by the Local Organising Committee of the ISF World School Athletics Championship (23-29 June 2022, in Trabzon, Turkey) is to cancel the event on these dates and to postpone it for June 2023.




Comments (3)

Latvijas Skolu sporta federācija, SO 02/02/2022 00:48, 3 years ago
International School Sport Federation decided to follow the
proposal presented by the Local Organising Committees of ISF events when it comes to the Coronavirus
The proposal presented by the Local Organising Committee of the ISF World School Athletics
Championship (23-29 June 2022, in Trabzon, Turkey) is to cancel the event on these dates and
to postpone it for June 2023.
Latvijas Skolu sporta federācija, SO 02/02/2022 00:48, 3 years ago
International School Sport Federation decided to follow the
proposal presented by the Local Organising Committees of ISF events when it comes to the Coronavirus
The proposal presented by the Local Organising Committee of the ISF World School Athletics
Championship (23-29 June 2022, in Trabzon, Turkey) is to cancel the event on these dates and
to postpone it for June 2023.
Latvijas Skolu sporta federācija, SO 02/02/2022 00:56, 3 years ago
Starptautiskā skolu sporta federācija nolēma sekot priekšlikumiem, ko iesniedza ISF pasākumu vietējās organizācijas komitejas, runājot par koronavīrusu
situāciju. ISF Pasaules skolu vieglatlētikas vietējās organizācijas komitejas iesniegtais priekšlikums bija par to ka Pasaules skolēnu čempionāts (2022. gada 23.–29. jūnijā, Trabzonā, Turcijā) tiks atcelts šajos datumos un atlikt to uz 2023. gada jūniju.