Ralfs Velmers

Date of birth:
2005 (U23)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate


Coach From To
Viktors Lācis 02.02.2020.
Diāna Lāce 01.09.2022.


Organisation Role From To
Lāča sporta skola Athlete 02.02.2020.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 7.37 760 Second-class 09.02.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
100m 11.69 (+0.0) 694 Second-class 09.07.2022. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
200m 22.69 (-0.4) 833 First-class 17.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
300m 41.15 511 First-class junior 22.02.2020. Latvian U16 indoor championships
400m 50.14 850 First-class 16.06.2023. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
7.37 760 09.02.2024. Indoor Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships 0.191 1
7.48 711 06.01.2023. Indoor Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga'' 0.149 1
7.48 711 20.01.2023. Indoor Valmiera Open 0.171 1
7.49 706 06.01.2023. Indoor Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga'' 0.170 1
7.50 702 13.01.2024. Indoor Sportland Cup I 0.208 1
7.58 667 11.02.2022. Indoor Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships 1
7.63 646 19.01.2022. Indoor Valmieras novada atklātais čempionāts 0.128 1
7.99 503 22.02.2020. Indoor Latvian U16 indoor championships 1
8.05 481 12.02.2020. Indoor LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām 1
8.21 425 05.02.2020. Indoor Jēkabpils Sporta skolas atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U-16 vecuma grupai 1