Jorens Miķelsons

Date Discipline Result Wind Place Classification Event Rating scores
13.01.2024. Long Jump 6.97 5 First-class Sportland Cup I
09.02.2024. Long Jump 7.22 2 Candidate for master Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships
02.03.2024. Long Jump 6.92 1 First-class Baltic U20 Indoor Team Championships
25.05.2024. Long Jump 7.05 0.3 2 First-class LAA x Sportland Cup III
15.06.2024. Long Jump 7.11 0.7 2 Candidate for master Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
29.06.2024. Long Jump 5.53 0.7 10 First-class junior Latvian Championships
World Athletics points: 0
Total points for attained classification: 0
Total points for achieved records: 0
Total points for qualifications: 0
Points for 5 best placements: 0
Total points: 0