Artis Duļbinskis

Date of birth:
2000 (Senior)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Has certificate
Candidate for master


Coach From To
Mārīte Lūse 01.09.2020.
Imants Kairišs 01.10.2010. 31.08.2020.


Organisation Role From To
Balvu Sporta skola Athlete 01.10.2007. 31.08.2019.
Auseklis IK, Bērnu un jauniešu centrs Athlete 02.09.2019. 31.08.2020.
Rīgas sporta skola Arkādija Athlete 01.09.2020.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
Heptathlon 4284 784 Candidate for master 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
Heptathlon indoor 2757 480 Third-class 27.01.2018. Latvian Championships combined events and race walking
60m 7.26 811 Second-class 27.01.2018. Latvian Championships combined events and race walking
100m 11.35 (+1.4) 786 Second-class 04.05.2018. Jēkabpils pilsētas atklātais čempionāts vieglatlētikā veltīts soļotāja P.Zeltiņa un lodes grūdēja J.Bērziņa piemiņai & Jēkabpils sporta skolas atklātās sacensības vieglatlētikā U-16
200m 25.1 (+?) * 524 Third-class 10.06.2014. Madonas "Gada jaunatnes vieglatlēts 2014 1. posms Varakļāni
4x100m 43.22 853 First-class 05.08.2017. Baltic championships U18
Long Jump 7.05 (+1.0) 933 First-class 01.07.2017. Latvian championships U18 and U20
Triple Jump 14.85 937 First-class 24.02.2018. International U20 match
High Jump 1.78 723 Second-class 22.05.2017. Riga championships for youth
Shot Put (4 kg) 15.36 Second-class 25.07.2015. LVS kauss IV posms,Jēkabpils
Shot Put (5 kg) 14.80 Third-class 07.01.2017. Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
Shot Put (6 kg) 12.53 27.01.2018. Latvian Championships combined events and race walking
Discus Throw (1 kg) 29.00 Third-class junior 11.07.2014. Latvijas čempionāts junioriem un B grupai

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event
4284 784 07.01.2017. Indoor Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking
4284 🥈 784 07.01.2017. Indoor Latvian indoor championships in combined events and race walking