Roberts Lauva

Date of birth:
2006 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Ilona Kupčiuna
Aivars Solzemnieks 01.09.2024.


Organisation Role From To
Bauskas novada Bērnu un jaunatnes sporta skola Athlete 19.12.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 7.06 908 First-class 15.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships
100m 11.46 (+2.0) 755 Second-class 15.06.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
200m 23.49 788 First-class 16.02.2025. Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships
400m 54.79 598 Third-class 25.05.2024. LAA x Sportland Cup III
4x100m 44.02 802 First-class 15.06.2024. Latvian U18 and U20 Championships
Long Jump 5.40 585 First-class junior 05.01.2024. Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga''

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
7.06 🥇 908 15.02.2025. Indoor Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships 0.142 1
7.09 🥉 894 26.01.2025. Indoor LVS x Sportland Cup I 0.142 1
7.14 869 08.03.2025. Indoor Baltic U20 Indoor Team Championships 0.174 1
7.16 859 26.01.2025. Indoor LVS x Sportland Cup I 0.133 1
7.17 854 15.02.2025. Indoor Latvian Indoor U18, U20, U23 Championships 0.155 1
7.19 845 03.01.2025. Indoor Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga'' 0.159 1
7.19 🥈 845 19.01.2025. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 grupām 1
7.22 830 03.01.2025. Indoor Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga'' 0.161 1
7.31 788 19.01.2025. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 grupām 1
7.36 765 09.02.2024. Indoor Latvian U18 and U20 Indoor Championships 0.180 1
7.42 738 21.01.2024. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 grupām un MySport / Hoka balvu izcīņa 1
7.43 733 05.01.2024. Indoor Starptautiskās sacensības ''Valmiera-Valga'' 0.151 1
7.44 🥉 729 21.01.2024. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 grupām un MySport / Hoka balvu izcīņa 1
8.95 210 12.02.2020. Indoor LVS x Maxima Jaunatnes kauss U14 un U16 vecuma grupām 1