Annija Cercina

Date of birth:
2012 (U14)
🇱🇻 Latvia
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Austris Āboliņš 01.09.2022.


Organisation Role From To
Sporta klubs AŠAIS Athlete 01.09.2022.
Cēsu pilsētas Sporta skola Athlete 01.09.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.40 526 Second-class junior 21.02.2025. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U12 un U14 grupām
300m 50.78 481 Second-class junior 19.06.2024. Gulbenes novada atklātais čempionāts vieglatlētikā
600m 1:52.11 594 Third-class 05.07.2024. Världsungdomsspelen
800m 2:35.67 671 Second-class 19.01.2025. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U18 un U20 grupām
1000m 3:20.65 639 Third-class 19.07.2024. Latvian U14 Championships
1500m 5:36.97 552 Third-class 06.07.2024. Världsungdomsspelen
One Mile 6:14.00 494 First-class junior 18.05.2024. Latvian Road Mile Championships/ Rimi Riga Marathon
5km 26:01 234 29.04.2023. Skrējiens "Apkārt Cēsīm 2023"
1km 0:03:50 13.10.2024. Latvian Cross Country Championships
5.40 km 0:32:22 21.05.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 6th stage
5.80 km 0:30:06 * 16.04.2022. The trail run series "Roe buck" 5th stage
0.5km 0:01:52.0 08.10.2022. Latvian Cross Country Championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.40 526 21.02.2025. Indoor Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U12 un U14 grupām 1