Laura Sāra Ivsiņa

Date of birth:
2007 (U20)
🇱🇻 Latvia
No license
I run clean:
Lacks certificate


Coach From To
Inese Grava


Organisation Role From To
Rūjienas Sporta skola Athlete 22.08.2018. 31.08.2023.

Best results

Discipline Result WA Classification Date Event
60m 9.17 580 Second-class junior 02.02.2022. LVS/ Maxima Youth Cup (U14, U16)
100m 14.10 (+3.3) * 619 Third-class 09.06.2023. Smiltenes BJSS un Vieglatlētikas kluba Smiltene atklātās sacensības U-14; U-16 un U-18 grupām
200m 32.40 (+?) * 384 First-class junior 11.05.2022. Ziemeļu Stīga 2022
300m 55.34 369 Third-class junior 24.01.2020. Latvijas U14 čempionāta atlase (Limbažu zona)
400m 1:19.26 345 Third-class junior 02.02.2022. LVS/ Maxima Youth Cup (U14, U16)
1000m 4:07.55 259 Second-class junior 01.07.2020. Ogres novada sporta centra atklātās sacensības U14 vecuma grupai
Long Jump 3.72 514 Third-class junior 11.06.2020. VIEGLATLĒTIKAS SACENSĪBAS VALMIERA-RŪJIENA U-14 grupai 1.posms
4x160m 1:48.35 02.02.2020. Latvian U14 indoor championships

Results by event

Result WA Date Venue type Event Wind Reaction Electronic measurement
9.17 580 02.02.2022. Indoor LVS/ Maxima Youth Cup (U14, U16) 0.212 1
9.53 497 24.01.2020. Indoor Latvijas U14 čempionāta atlase (Limbažu zona) 1