Participating teams: 36 countries - update 13/02/2018
School Boys, 22 teams - Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium Flanders, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Georgia, India, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, UAE (AEFE).
School Girls, 23 teams - Australia, Austria, Belgium French Community, Belgium Flanders, Canada, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, Georgia, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Qatar (AEFE), Spain, Turkey.
Selected Boys, 18 teams - Australia, Belgium French Community, China, England, India, Iran, Ireland, Latvia, Madagascar, Malta, Morocco, New Zealand, Slovakia, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE (AEFE).
Selected Girls, 17 teams - Australia, Belgium Flanders, China, England, Hungary, India, Iran, Latvia, Madagascar, Morocco, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE (AEFE).
Portugal did not specify its teams yet.
The exact distances for the race are girls 4155m and boys 5500m. Running shoes with spikes will not be authorised for the race due to regulation of environmental protection at the Eiffel tower site and the site of the Friendship relay.
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Latvijas izlases jauniešiem 11.vieta no 18 komandām, bet jaunietēm 12.vieta no 17 komandām.
2.-7. aprīlī Parīzē notiks Pasaules skolēnu čempionāts krosā, kurā piedalīsies 2000.-2003. dalībnieki no 36 valstim. Latvijas delegācija piedalīsies šajās sacensībās ar 4 komandām.
Nanjing, China
March 21 - 23
Maribor, Slovenia
June 28 - 29
Bergen, Norway
July 17 - 20
Skopje, North Macedonia
July 20 - 26
Tampere, Finland
August 07 - 10
Tokyo, Japan
September 13 - 21