URL: or
You must specify what you need in GET parameters
The following parameters allow an ID or a comma-separated list of IDs
discipline - stats for the listed disciplines (ID or array), ignored if competition is set
may include constraints, example of two disc (35 and 55) with constraints: discipline=35;hoh:107;cd:1,55;wot:3.5
hoh - height of hurdles in cm
wot - weight of tool in kg
cd - certified distance (1 or 0)
em - electronic measurement (1 or 0)
w - maximum wind in m/s
Included event scope:
venue-type - limit to events by venue type: 'indoor', 'outdoor', 'trail', 'road' - comma-separated
date-from, date-to - limit to date in a certain period; Y-m-d format, ignored if event, competition, round or group is set
venue - limit to events held in the listed (comma-separated IDs) venues, ignored if event, competition, round or group is set
category - limit to events by WA category: 'ow', 'df', 'gw', 'gl', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'other' (comma-separated), ignored if event, competition, round or group is set
event - limit to events of listed (comma-separated) IDs, ignored if competition, round or group is set
competition - limit to competitions of listed (comma-separated) IDs, ignored if round or group is set
round - limit to rounds of listed (comma-separated) IDs, ignored if group is set
group - limit to groups of listed (comma-separated) IDs
Included athlete scopes:
birth-from, birth-to - limit to athletes born since and/or up to a certain date; Y-m-d format
gender - limit to persons of a single gender (f or m)
country - limit to persons representing certain (comma-separated) countries; ISO Alpha-3
country-ioc - limit to persons representing certain (comma-separated) countries; IOC codes
organisation - include results where the organisation (ID or list of IDs) was represented
athlete-organisation - include current athletes of an organisation (ID or list of IDs)
coach - include results where the coach (ID or list of IDs) was represented
athlete-coach - include current athletes of a coach (ID or list of IDs)
athlete - stats of an athlete (ID or list of IDs); rest of athlete scoping will be ignored
Result scope:
classification - list of numbers (comma-seperated) where 1 is Grandmaster, 2 is Master etc. to 9
number - number or list of numbers used in the competition
Grouping and sorting
grouping - 'athlete', 'discipline', 'coach', 'current_coach', 'organisation', 'current_organisation'; may use a list, first will be higher level grouping, following will be subgroups
limit - number of results in a group
athlete-limit - number of results by athlete (in a single gorup)
sorting - 'date', 'result', 'order' or 'iaaf_points' // default is result
// if multiple disciplines are selected and results aren't grouped by discipline, default sorting is by date
// if multiple disciplines are selected and sorting is required by result, grouping by discipline will be added
Output fields
fields - list of needed fields;
options: coach, coach_short, organisation, organisation_short, current_coach, current_organisation,
current_coach_short, current_organisation_short, discipline, iaaf_points, classification,
date_of_birth, year_of_birth, gender, height, weight, country, event, date, athlete,
result, venue, venue_type, reaction, wind, height_of_hurdles, weight_of_tool,
electronic_measurement, certified_distance, place_in_competition, place_in_group,
place_in_round, group, round, trials, last_trial, number, order, index
// the athlete and result is always implicit, one may specify them for field ordering
// fields used in grouping will be ignored
format - format of response
options: form, table, html, json, csv, xml, yaml; default is form
Competition data
Specify the following GET parameters:
- event, competition, round or group - ID of entity that you need the info about
- list - what (related to the selected entity) you need. Supported options:
- events
- competitions
- rounds
- groups
- format - json, yaml, xml, csv are supported, json is default
additional data
Country list with codes:
Discipline list with IDs: